Sunday, September 16, 2007

Nawaz Sharif's Exile & Re-Exile

Nawaz Sharif visited the elders of Tableeghi Jamaat in Raiwind, while he was still in power. He asked them make dua for him to stay in power so that he may serve Islam. The elders asked him to make Pakistan ‘Interest Free’, since its an open violation of Islam and as per Quran and Hadees, a ‘war’ against Allah and his Prophet (peace be upon him). Nawaz Sharif said that he cannot do so. The elders replied then you may not remain in power for long as people at war against Allah and his Prophet (peace be upon him) cannot be victorious. Nawaz Sharif was removed shortly in a coup by Pervaiz Musharraf in a game of political chess, when the knight decided to upgrade himself to King.

How much hand the statement of the elders played in his removal depends upon the level of faith you might have, but Nawaz Sharif, while being in power was no saint. He openly violated the rule of law to make his base stronger and/or to fill his pockets and that of his cronies. The medals on his uniform contains amongst others the following.

  1. He arranged a raid of his party workers on the sacred Supreme Court, which was hearing a case against him.

  2. The buying of judges for removal of Chief Justice of that time, Sajjad Ali Shah.

  3. The dollar account freeze after Nuclear Tests. But only for normal citizen. Him and his friends took out and bought dollars a day/night before and made huge amounts of money as the dollar price soared up.

  4. Removal of duty on luxury cars for 1 day. Which was a day when the luxury cars of his close ally Saif Ur Rehman were to arrive in Pakistan.

  5. His official vacation, on state expense, with his cronies and family to America with luxuries such as Limousines and Five Stars. After seeing their vacation, which even a Saudi Prince would envy, the Western Media rightly noticed ‘Is Pakistan a poor country?’.

  6. In the end of his tenure he was trying to become ‘Amir Ul Momineen’ and having a system of Royalty rather than democracy, with power remaining within Sharif family.

  7. Finally fresh from the confidence he had after removal of the Chief Justice through bribes and a military chief General Jahangir Karamat he tried to do the same with General Pervez Musharraf. Little did he know that the Pakistan Army had other plans.

Thus a coup was organized by the Punjabi dominated Pakistan Army for the Urdu speaking Army Chief who was still in air, showing the depth of loyalty the Army had for its chief. Nawaz Sharif was removed with the country almost nearing bankruptcy. He was sent to jail with loads of cases against him and his brother.

As the story discloses itself lately, prison life was far too much for him and with Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s example fresh in his mind, he might have cracked. As now truth discloses itself, he arranged through his friends, to contact the Saudi Government through Lebanease politician Rafiq Hariri, who was on good terms with the Sharifs, to intervene and arrange a safe passage for him. A request was sent to Musharraf to release the Sharif family and send them on exile to Saudi Arabia. Pakistan, as a country, nation and government, is so indebted to Saudi Arabia that Musharraf couldn’t say no. He agreed to a 10 year exile for the Sharifs and sent them to Saudi Arabia.

Immediately the Sharifs and their workers vehemently denied any such deal or agreement had taken place. They kept on shouting that they were sent to Saudi Arabia by force. This stance of theirs continued till just a few days ago. When the newly empowered Judiciary gave a verdict in his favor and rejected the legality of any such document. Incidently Sharif’s lawyers told the Supreme Court there there was no such agreement.

Nawaz Sharif decided to return back to Pakistan and overthrow Musharraf. This resulted in the, till now secret, negotiators of the deal to come forward, arrange a press conference and request Mr. Nawaz Sharif to abide by his agreement. They showed the whole world a copy of the agreement, on which Mr. Nawaz Sharif had signed. In a tit for tat press conference Nawaz Sharif, agreed that there was an agreement and that it was only for 5 years and not 10 years. Nawaz Sharif had lied to his supporters and public.

Anyhow in the wake of Supreme Court’s verdict, Nawaz Sharif decided to land in Pakistan to gain political mileage. Vary of his declining street support after the arrest of his wokers, he decided to leave behind his brother Shabaz Sharif. On arrival, he was allowed entry in Pakistan and the pending cases against him, were opened once again.

After this, there are 2 versions. One from the Government and one from Nawaz Sharif. The truth might be revealed in sometime.

Nawaz Sharif’s Version

Nawaz Sharif was sent to Saudia Arab forcibly. He chose the option of Jail. PML (N) would file an application against the government in the Supreme Court for contempt of Court.

Grary Areas: (1) No mention of involving Saudia Arab in the case, which is a party in all that has happened. So much so that Shabaz Sharif has openly declined that he would even involve the Saudi government if he files a case in the supreme court. (2) No answer as to why the Sharifs lied to his workers and on media. And why can’t he be lying once again? (3) No answer to the contempt of court committed by their lawyers, when they told the Supreme Court that there was no such agreement between the Sharifs and the government of Pakistan and Saudia Arab. (4) Why no contempt of court application filed by Shabaz Sharif when he tried coming to Pakistan and was sent back?

Government’s Version

Nawaz Sharif was allowed entry into Pakistan as per the orders of court, so there is no question of contempt of court. On arrival, he was given the option of Saudia Arab or Jail. He chose to go to Saudia Arab.

The government’s position is pretty awkward, since now the Courts (because of the action against the Chief Justice) and media (because of action against media in the Supreme Court and May 12 crisis) are against them. Therefore the government is countinously being or at least being tried to be painted as a villian. The courts, if the case appears in front of them, would have to decide what is the position of a written promise given by Nawaz Sharif to Saudi Arab to stay there for 10 years.

Some of the truth has appeared in this story of ‘The Exile and re-exile of Nawaz Sharif’ and some truth is pending.

In the end, I would come back from where I started, with the addition of a Hadees of our Prophet (peace be upon him), whose central theme is, ‘Your Rulers are nothing but your actions’. So if our actions are good and as per Islamic Principles then we would have good leaders otherwise craziness would prevail, be it Musharraf, Benazir or Nawaz Sharif.

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