Sunday, September 16, 2007

Noor and the cot

Noor Ud din would be 1 year in a few weeks and daddy can’t help but notice and enjoy his antics. Nowadays its rumble in his cot. The poor cot is deep enough to allow him to stand without him falling over. I think it’s the biggest mistake that his cot can make.

Allowing him to stand, allows him to have a rumble inside of it. He holds the sides and shakes them so heavily that if it had wings it would start flying. You can see concentration in his eyes and his face has so much intensity in it, that it feels like he is fulfilling his life long mission. He pushes and pulls the bar with so much power that the cot starts moving and takes him close enough to his target.

Sometimes my precious would hang himself on one corner of the cot. Where two ends of the cot rail are meeting, he would hang his arms over the edge and rest his chins on the edge. This is his relaxation pose. After a day of hard work shaking his cot, he rests in this fashion. The best pose is when he does the same and stares outside of the window. Totally relaxed and at ease.

But sweetness at its peak is when he, while playing with his toys inside the cot would sleep with thumb in his mouth. Just curled up and head resting where ever there is space and thumb in his mouth. Oblivious of any worries and pain. May Allah give him such peace of mind and heart forever.

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