Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Unusual phobias

alektorophobia - fear of chickens
aulophobia - fear of a flute
clinophobia - fear of going to bed
ecclesiaphobia - fear of churches
eisoptrophobia - fear of mirrors
geniophobia - fear of chins
genuphobia - fear of knees
gymnotophobia - fear of nudity
ichthyophobia - fear of fish
levophobia - fear of the left side
linonophobia - fear of string
meteorophobia - fear of being hit by meteor
nephelophobia - fear of clouds
odontophobia - fear of teeth
ouranophobia - fear of heaven
pediophobia - fear of dolls
pogonophobia - fear of beards
siderophobia - fear of starts
stygiophobia - fear of hell
triskaidekaphobia - fear of the number 13

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