Sunday, May 20, 2007

Talk Shows

Till a few months/years back, I was of the opinion that the host of Talk Shows being telecasted on the multitude of TV channels is something which is creating more confusion and having no results. But I feel that I was wrong in that. Talk Shows are playing two very important roles at this point in time. First of all they are creating awareness of the issues that we are faced with today and what impact they are having on our future.

Secondly and mostly importantly they are resulting in refinement of thought and ideologies. e.g. a person with a view of some issue takes it to a talk show, where is he is bombarded with issues and problems on his view and ideology. This results in him refining his view and creating a spark in his mind that what must he be doing in order to make his view and ideology more acceptable to the masses.

But there are still some talk shows around which are happy to see people fight amongst themselves. I think rather then that they must try to discuss ideas with each other and try to refine those ideas.

Life and various moments in life, sometimes results in the changing of our point of view. I feel that this is just one of those moments.

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